Monday, April 1, 2013

Trying to Get Back in a Routine!

How is it April already?
 This month was supposed to be my first month back to work after my surgery!  I had all these grandiose plans of getting back into a routine and just moving forward, we all know how well that has been working! 
I went back to work for two weeks and then ended up in the hospital for another week which mentally set me back and we had to keep moving forward at this point.  I went in for another surgery for them to clean the wound and then was discharged thankfully and able to return home.
So I decided to start again this week and we were going to get back to a routine.  Luckily I survived this week despite some saddening news at this point in my recovery.  So I have been meeting with my regular surgeon every week and he told me that at this point he is seeing limited healing in the wound, the wound looks good but it is not healing as well as it should be.  Last week he talked to me about meeting with a plastic surgeon.  He said that they were talking about removing muscle from my leg and then filling the wound with that muscle.  This is how it has been described to me thus far.  I am meeting with the plastic surgeon Thursday of this week.  My doctor told me that I would be looking at another 3-4 day hospital say.  As Censie says we all know how my body responds so we will plan a week.  I have mixed emotions about this on one hand it would heal the wound then the other hand it is another surgery and another hospital stay.  You know what is another hospital stay when you have spent 26 days in the hospital over the past four months!!!
Luckily this week I got to be home and was able to go to Jude's first soccer practice.  He had a great time and did so well for one of the youngest kids out there.  Now he is not the smallest kid out there but is one of the youngest.  It was nice to be able to get out and play with him, however running for the first time with my ileostomy was a little weird and is going to take some getting used to. 
Then on Saturday after my daily visit to the nurse, yes those are still going on I have no idea when it is going to ever end!  We went and did Easter Egg Scramble.  Jude had fun even though we only came home with one Twizzler and one empty egg.  He did really good being patient.  This is one of my favorite pictures!
Then on Sunday we went to church and then hunted for more Easter Eggs.  We had a great time playing and eating candy throughout the day, whoops daddy has a sweet tooth.  Then later in the evening he crashed, I got to cuddle with my little boy, not something that happens very often any more.  It was nice being able to have a day where I didn't have to worry about my ileostomy or having to go the doctor.
I am really hoping that I will be able to have more days like this but I will know more on Thursday.  I will make sure to keep everyone up to date on what is going on and if I am going to have to have another surgery.  Thank you all!