Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Houston We Have a Problem!

AHHHHHH!!!!  We Have a Problem!
So many of you may find this to be an odd post but Houston We have a Problem.  JUDE LIKES TO EAT MUSTARD!
I'm talking about the kind of mustard that looks like a yellow crayon vomited on his hot dog!
You know you do everything you can to try and teach your child well and then they go and do something like this.  At least on his hot dog he also enjoyed it with Ketchup and Sweet Relish but I need advice! 
How do I handle a mustard lover?  My father was so proud but I am struggling with how do we connect.  I am anti-mustard will this have an impact on our future food bonding?  I mean what is next putting it on hamburgers or sandwich's?  What does a first mustard experience lead to?  There are so many questions I have about what to expect with a child who uses mustard?
If you can please send me any experience I would appreciate it! 
Ketchup lovers of the world unite!  


  1. I trained Rex to like ketchup and mayo (not on a hot dog but on sandwiches) because I can't stand mustard. Daddy loves mustard but he's big enough to put it on his own food. My advice when he's with you he gets a ketchup hot dog when he's witb mommy he can have mustard. :)

  2. Try him with English Mustard - that stuff is so strong compared to your puny American mustard it'll either put him off the stuff for life or cement his love for it forever.
