Friday, December 21, 2012

John, Paul, George and Ringo!

I am just going to go ahead and put it out there The Beatles are the best band ever!!!! 
The Beatles were formed in 1957 but even here in 2012 they play a huge role in my life and the band and music are things that I hold very close to my heart.  I remember listening to my father's old vinyl records and being complete enthralled with the music.  As soon as I was able to get him to change the radio station we would listen to "Breakfast with the Beatles" as we would drive to church on Sundays.  Now besides baseball this was something that I was able to have a close connection with my father with. 
So how much did the band play a role in my life at this point.  Our two year old son is Jude, and yes he is named after the song "Hey Jude."  The only time that someone thinks different is when talking to my old Pastor and he puts out that it is also one of the twelve apostles and is referred to as Jude the brother of Jesus.  Sure if he wants to go with that then who am I to step in but it is definitely from the song (Shh don't tell him, good thing he doesn't read my blog :)  I am very proud of this because it is something that we hold very close and we share together.   
If you have ever spent any time with me you know that I have a huge love for music.  I am constantly listening to music in my car, at work, and at home as much as I can.  I am a huge fan of classic rock and have shared this love of music with my son Jude.  It is something that we have been able to bond over and share a love for. 
My wife recently took Jude to a library reading time and they sang some classic child songs.  Now don't get me wrong they all are great and Jude does love doing the "Hokey Pokey" and also "Head, Shoulder. Knees and Toes" but he also loves listening to music with mommy and daddy.  Censie posted something on facebook questioning on whether or not we should be teaching him more kids songs or continuing to share or love of music with him. Most people agreed that we should continue to foster he love for all different types of music, YAY US!!!!! Now Jude is only two years old but today on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa's he sang the first minute and a half of "Hey Jude" almost word for word.  My heart jumps for joy as I hear him singing in the back seat.  He knows that this is "His Song" as he says it.  Maybe someday I will tell him about the true story of the song. 
After partaking in "Hey Jude" we proceeded to listen/sing "Yellow Submarine".  Again my heart is just beaming with joy that we can share this time together.  I am glad that Jude enjoys music and has already started picking up the melody and the differences in the music as well.  I feel that there is a complexity in The Beatles music with all their different styles and sounds.  Jude also at this point can tell you who is in The Beatles and what instrument they play.  He will assign you instruments to play while singing the songs with him,.  He likes to play the guitar and piano, he really likes playing the piano with his grandma.  I am so thankful that he enjoys music, I am not going to force what music he has to listen to but I do want him to enjoy music.  I feel that listening to music is a great stress relief and provides individuals with a deep connection with something. 
So maybe I am not teaching him all the traditional child songs, I will be working on that so that he does feel like he knows those songs but will continue to foster the love for music within him.  I feel that there is nothing wrong with it, at least it isn't country music right?  


  1. My son will be four next month, and he knows zero kids' songs (other than the songs from Yo Gabba Gabba, which are all by the Ting Tings and Weezer anyway). He's been listening to "real music" since he was a 20-week-old fetus. I made him a Pandora station when I was pregnant and did the "thumbs up" or what have you whenever he kicked. To this day, he still has the same taste as when he was a tadpole. Devo, the Rolling Stones and Black Sabbath are his favorites.

  2. Oh, the nights I've spent with my boys rocking out to the Beatles Rock Band! Good taste my man.
