Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Have a "Boo Boo" in my Tummy

I have a "Boo Boo" in My Tummy!

Today is one of the days that it is so fun living with Ulcerative Colitis.  I had been having issues with my gut, it could be a little bit of stress, who would have thought that but I had to call my GI doctor.  I am trying to make sure that my body doesn't go into a full flair, that is not something that I need to put on my family right now or my own mental health.  This morning Jude kept asking me to eat breakfast with him but I had to tell him that I couldn't, something that is impossible to explain fully to a two year old.  The best way to explain it was that I had a "boo boo" in my tummy and that I had to go see a doctor.  He continues to lift up my shirt and check my "boo boo."

Three months after Jude was born I ended up spending seven days in the hospital due to an Ulcerative Colitis flair.  Luckily my doctor knows me super well so when I call her and tell her that I am having problems she gets me in right away.  I called her yesterday and she told me to come in for a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy.  Yeah if you haven't had one or a colonoscopy they are as much fun as they sound.  

Here I am sitting in the waiting room waiting to go in.  I had not eaten anything since 9pm on Monday so I was hungry by this point, and some lady was eating in the waiting room but oh well what can you do.  So they then took me back and got my IV all hooked up.  While they were talking to me they were asking when my last procedure done was.  I couldn't remember so we pulled up the history.  I had a colonoscopy in February and one in September of 2011.  It was kind of saddening knowing that I had three procedures done within a year.  I couldn't help but think of when my father called me asking me for advice on what to do during a colonoscopy prep, something that I shouldn't have to tell me dad about.  The Dr. completed the flexible sigmoidoscopy and we did get good news.  My colon is still showing mild signs of Colitis but definitely saw signs of healing.  I did get a talking to about my enemas, I am having to get over the mental block of having to do one every night but it is the best for me and my family so I have to get through it.  

Here I am recovering after the procedure.  It is always tiring even though I don't have to do much.  I am so thankful for my doctor for always providing me with support and help when it is needed.  She is aware of my family and she always helps us get through this illness as a unit.  I am thankful that we got the good news that we did so that I do not have to consider the surgical options that there are.  I know that this is a possibility eventually but my mind and my body are not there at this point.  I am thankful for my wife for taking me and always being there by my side and supporting me.  I am also thankful for my son who is always there with a smile and a hug!  We will beat this illness together!  

1 comment:

  1. Don't let your dobber down!
    (A saying my Dad used to tell me all the time)
    Wish you well and your in my prayers.

    Uncle Dave
    (The good looking Dave)
