Hi I would like to get started with this blog by introducing myself. My name is Jeremy I am 31 years old. I have been married to my wonderful wife Censie for 9 years, she has an awesome blog herself I don’t think mine is going to compare but please check it out www.buildingourstory.com, I am also father to our wonderful son Jude and our daughter who is going to be here in a short time. I love being a father it is truly an amazing joy day in and day out. Now granted being a parent to a two year old in and of itself can be challenging having that hug, smile and I Love You at the end of the day makes it all worth it. I am writing this blog about being a husband, father, brother, dealing with illness, Ulcerative Colitis, and Anxiety. All of these describe me.
I think that there are a lot of blogs out there about mom’s and how to handle being a mother but there are not many about being a father. I think it takes a special person to be able to talk about the challenges that we as men face with being a father and being an individual. I know all you guys are thinking ok here comes the Kumbaya crap, well maybe you will consider it that but after being in counseling for my Anxiety for about 6 months at this point, get over it! It is perfectly fine to talk about your feelings as a “Manly Man. ” I am hoping that this blog will help me connect with other dad’s out there and also help provide my insight to being a dad and dealing with daily challenges.
I am not going to be serious all of the time but there will be some serious moments from time to time. I am always open to suggestions about what I should talk about but I will probably always throw my own twist into things. Some of the things will be hard for me to talk about and may not be socially appropriate. You know dealing with Ulcerative colitis for three years has made me talk about things that most people would not. I am hoping that people enjoy this blog and people will connect through it and hopefully it will help someone else. Thank you and please stay tuned for things to come!
Welcome to the dark side!