Some is going to have to tell Censie that she has a girlfriend!!!!!
That is right I am almost 33 years old and I have never fired a gun. I have shot a paintball gun, a pellet gun, a BB gun and an airsoft gun but I have never fired a actual gun before. I have had detectives and law enforcement officers that I work with give me a hard time and tell me that I need to go and learn and that I should get my carry and conceal permit due to the line of work I am in but I don't know to actually shoot a gun.
Does this make me less of a man than someone who has shot a gun? Am I a woman because I haven't fired a firearm before?
Please tell me why you have to fire a gun to be a man? There are many times that I feel very manly but none of them ever have to do with shooting a firearm. My father was not a hunter we fished. My grandfather was a hunter and he said that he was going to take me Pheasant hunting but he died before that ever happened. Censie's grandpa had firearms in his house being on a ranch but when I met him I never went shooting with him or saw him shoot. I know that he knew how to and still did it wasn't something that we did together though.
I feel that my family was one of those families who were never really into guns and we didn't have avid hunters in our family so it wasn't something that we did together. I also at this point do not have the desire to learn how to field dress a dead animal, I can clean the guts out of a fish but that is as far I want to go. I do not like this opinion that you are less of a man if you do not own a gun. So should I start prepping Jude that he doesn't have a real man as a father because I do not own a gun or know how to shoot a gun?
I have thought about taking gun safety classes and learning some about them as Jude is getting older he does have a fascination with guns, this is a typical boy thing but I have not decided yet. I know that family members do have guns and have talked to them about when Jude comes over that they need to be locked up and put away so that the children do not have access to them. This is family though what about friends? I guess I will be okay knowing that I am considered by some as a woman because I have not fired a gun before.